(Natural and Stable Vitamin C)
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is water soluble vitamin, which is otherwise known as L-Ascorbic acid. Generally it is presumed that, Vitamin C is not needed for the dietary supplementation under normal condition as it is synthesized in the avian kidneys. However, for newly hatched chick the rate of biosynthesis of vitamin C is slow and when this condition is encountered with stress, then the probability of vitamin C deficiency increases to manifolds. Apart from, chicken may be subjected to considerable stress condition such as rapid growth rate, increased egg and meat production, exposure to extreme temperature, starvation, vaccination and disease conditions. Therefore, the need for vitamin C becomes indispensable when high production is required at short span of time with optimum livability and feed conversion.
Details :
- Herbo C is a unique poultry feed supplement which provides natural, stable and highly bioavailable form of Vitamin C with higher activity than synthetic Vitamin C.
- Various co-factors and co-enzymes present in Herbal C act as catalysts for its proper absorption and optimum utilization. Herbo C provides the following unique benefits over synthetic.
Vitamin C :
- Herbo C acts as a universal antioxidant which protects both aqueous and lipid phase of cells whereas synthetic Vitamin C is active in aqueous phase only, leaving the lipid phase unprotected.
- The lipid phase antioxidant activity of Herbo C prevents damage to cells and cell membrane against all types of oxidative stressors.
- Herbo C is highly stable, gets fully absorbed and provides self replicating and sustained antioxidant activity whereas synthetic Vitamin C is highly unstable and gets quickly excreted from the system.
- Antioxidant activity of Herbo C is six times higher than synthetic Vitamin C
- Specialised processing of constituent herbs in Herbo C ensures high thermostability during storage and pelletisation whereas the retention and activity of synthetic vitamin C is reduced by 10% every month during storage at room temperature and by more than 80% during pelletisation.
- To meet higher physiological requirement of vitamin C in various conditions specially during summer and other stressful conditions and first two weeks of life in chicks.
- To improve FCR, weight gain in broilers and egg production and shell quality in layers.
- To compensate the stress induced depletion of vitamin C
- To optimize and maintain immune-competence
- To maintain fertility and hatchability at optimum levels in breeders.
- To protect and overcome the ill effects of heat stress.
- To optimize bioavailability of dietary calcium and other minerals.
Feed inclusion rate
- 1:1 replacement of synthetic Vit. C. or as advised by poultry
- Consultant / nutritionist
Herbo C liquid
- Water inclusion rate - (per 1000 birds)
- Broilers & Layers - 10-20 ml
- Or as advised by poultry consultant / nutritionist
- 1 kg & 5 kg pack
- 1 & 5 ltr